Alex Stedman | YOLKE  


Alex is primarily a stylist who started The Frugality on the side to share her tips and travels behind the scenes of the fashion industry. Her blog has grown into it’s own little world, known for a curation of the best of the high street, travel tips And interiors.

What’s your style signifier?

I’m quite preppy by nature - maybe it’s my glasses - I love a classic shirt, boyfriend jeans, sneakers and a crew neck.

New years resolutions?

I don’t tend to make any, I’m not very good at sticking to them, I’m very fickle!

What are your style predictions for 2017?

After years of working on magazines, I don’t actually think that far ahead anymore. I’ll definitely be wearing more colour though.

Trend you’ll be happy to leave in 2016?

Skinny ultra fine knitwear. I’m a sloppy jumper kind of girl.

What do you love about being a Londoner?

I’m a born and raised Londoner, so there’s not much I don’t love! The tube, my work, the fact that you’re never far away from tons of restaurants, the buzz, the lights, the can do something different every night of the week.

If you could swap wardrobes with anyone who would it be?

Emanuelle Alt. To be honest though, I’m pretty happy with mine.

What do you wear to bed?

I made a vow a few years ago to only own proper pyjamas - and for a few years I only opened beautiful sets as presents. I now love my collection - no more threadbare elastic tracky bottoms for me!

Thank you Alex! 

Follow Alex Stedman on Instagram | @thefrugality

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