Sustainability and Values
The clothes we design and produce are beautifully made, timeless pieces, designed to last and be worn again and again.
At Yolke, we are working hard to do our part by building an ethical supply chain that creates high-quality, low-impact, long-lasting products. We carefully consider our materials and work with our production partners to reduce waste, chemicals and plastics that endanger our planet's eco systems. Read about our People & Factories here.
Materials & Processes
Follow the fabric - In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, the full supply chain life cycle of our garments happens in one place. Where we have to ship components of the production we use our carbon offset shipping company & fellow Walpole member Freightbrokers and keep it as local as possible.
We work with our suppliers to find materials that use less resources in their production. Innovations in fabric production are offering better choices in terms of reducing waste, and the chemical impact of dyes.
Avoiding waste - We treat the fabrics we work with as precious resources and working with our highly experience suppliers our dedication to avoiding waste is carried through the entire production process.
We are working hard to change all of our cotton over to be either recycled cotton and certified organic before October 2023.
Certified organic is better for the planet. Instead of toxic pesticides, organic farming uses crop rotation, cover crops and organic fertilisers to create rich life-supporting soil. Pesticides have a bad habit of poisoning groundwater, streams, and rivers, which endangers the people and wildlife that rely on those sources.
*The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certification takes over a year to account for every step of production—from the processing of certified organic fibre into yarn, to the dyehouses, mills, factories, and printers.
With an aim to reduce waste we keep all our packaging to a minimum. Where possible we use recycled materials to make our packaging.
All our packaging is manufactured in the UK meaning no overseas imports. This dramatically reduces the carbon footprint of your order.
In an effort to eliminate single use plastic from our supply chain we have switched our garment poly bags to a compostable alternative.
Our distribution centre is based in London which enables us to offer same-day delivery by bike.

We create garments to last but you play a part in this. You can help you garments to last longer and reduce their impact on the world around us by doing the following:
• Wash your clothes less
• Wash on low temperatures
• Avoid tumble drying
• Eco dry clean where possible
• Repair your garments or use our recycling scheme and return your clothes for use to recycle & receive a voucher in exchange.
Hints and tips for garments at the end of their life cycle:
Make lavender bags for your drawers and cupboards which not only smell good but deter moths.